When a stain can’t be removed.
March 10th, 2014
We attempt to remove stains in accordance with professional practices. However, not all stains can be removed despite our best efforts. This usually means that • The clothing stains are very old, oxidized, and set in the fabric • The delicacy of the fabric limits the degree of removal • The fabric dye is soluble — that is, we would remove the dye along with the stains The more information you […]
Why you should never ignore a stain.
March 10th, 2014
Stains and soil left too long can be impossible to remove. Studies by the Dry cleaning & Laundry Institute show that after aging for only one week, 20% of stains cannot be removed satisfactorily. After three weeks, this increases to 47%. If staining occurs, bring it to us as soon as possible. Don’t press stained or soiled clothes. Heat is another factor that makes stains more difficult to remove. Don’t iron stained or soiled […]
Why ironing your clothes is so important
March 10th, 2014
Sure, you may be able to wash your casual clothing at home, but time spent doing that long with the most hated household chore — ironing—only takes away time from family and other pursuits. We have the skills to make your clothes look and feel their best by creating a crispness that simply cannot be duplicated with home care. No matter what the surroundings and circumstances, you never get a second chance to […]
Why did the stain only show after it dried?
March 10th, 2014
Some clothing stains caused by beverages, food, or oily substances may not be visible after they dry. But later, with exposure to heat or simply the passage of time, a yellow or brownish stain will appear. This is the end result of oxidation or caramelization of sugar or sweetening agents. It is the same process that makes a peeled apple turn brown after exposure to air. If we don’t know about it we can’t […]
What household or skin products can cause stains?
March 10th, 2014
Perspiration — Body oils, antiperspirants, or perspiration left long enough on silk and wool garments will weaken the fabric. Frequently cleaning clothes heavily soiled with perspiration can lessen the likelihood of a problem. Acids — Perspiration, deodorant, antiperspirant, even “all natural organic” products, fruit juice, or hair preparations can cause a change or loss of colour along with weakening the fabric. Alcohol — Perfume, cologne, skin freshener, aftershave, hair spray, medicine, and adult beverages can […]
Why is my white shirt turning yellow?
March 10th, 2014
This problem arises when white and pastel fabrics begin to yellow. When this happens, a little investigative work typically reveals a manufacturer defect in the optical or fluorescent whitening agent applied to the fabric. When this agent begins to break down as the result of exposure to light, atmospheric gases, or dry cleaning or washing solutions, yellowing results. The problem cannot be corrected and can only be prevented by the manufacturer using stable brighteners.